1. Rent:
The rent is only for the luxury villas and suites and exclusive of any Government taxes,which are applicable from time to time.
2. Settlement of bills:
Rent plus service charges, key deposit (without any deduction) payable in advancebefore occupying the villas. Rent and service charges are not refundable and not transferable under anycircumstances, confirmed dates cannot be cancelled or changed.
3. Payment :
Only by cash or through credit Card (Bank charges on credit card will be charged).Cheques are not acceptable. Management is not responsible for the advance paymentin any form without receipt issued by our office signed by our authorized person.
4. Extra person:
For accommodating more than two person in single room Rs. 500/- towards rent perday for the extra person will be charged.
5. Key Deposit:
Key deposit will not attract any interest and deposit amount will be refunded at the timeof vacating the service villas/suite (after checkout at the time of handing over the key tothe reception). After deducting arrears if any against rent, telephone, excess electricityand charges for extra person if accommodated reasonable cost of repairs / replacementof fittings and fixtures if lost or damaged by the occupier during the period ofoccupation.
6. Company’s lien on luggage and be longings of the occupants:
In the case of default in payment dues by the occupant, the management can detain theluggage and be longings the occupant and the same can be sold or auctioned at anytime after the departure of the occupant without any prior intimation and the proceeds ofthe sold / auctioned belongings/luggage will be adjusted against the dues.
7. Departure: Check of time is 24 hours.
8. Luggage Storage:
Luggage and other belongings may be kept in the luggage room at the occupant’s solerisk as to the damage or loss. At any lost luggage / belongings should not be kept for aperiod over 10 days.
9. Occupant’s Belongings:
For the convenience of the occupants to ensure safety of all the valuables, occupantsare specifically requested to lock the package, suitcase, doors and their room whengoing out or when going to bed under any circumstances the key should not be kept inthe keyhole, And key should not be handover to the security (watchmen) or any otherthen from our office. In any case, the company will not be held responsible for the lossdamage of theft or pilferage of occupant’s belongings or any other items not entrustedto the management for which official receipt has not been obtained by the occupantsfrom the management.Storing of cinema films, explosive items or materials raw, exposed, or any other articlesof a combustible or hazardous nature in residential rooms or storerooms are strictlyprohibited
10. Damage to property:
Occupants will be held responsible for any loss / damage of the luxury villaproperties, caused by them, their relatives, or friends or by a person if stayed with theoccupant. The articles provided by the management such as furniture fittings, Vesselsetc. should be returned in good condition by the occupant at the time of vacating thepremises Loss / damages if any should be compensated by the occupant
11. Management’s Rights:
The management reserves absolute right for admission to any person into the serviceLuxury villa premises. Can be requested any guest to vacate his/her room at anymoment without previous notice / intimation and without assigning any reason what soever and the occupant shall be bound to vacate when requested to do so in case ofdefault and management will be entitled to remove the luggage / belongings of theoccupant from the occupied room by him / her and lock the room.
12. Visitors:
Visitors, servant maids, Drivers are not allowed inside the service department and alsointerfluves, meetings, get-togethers, parties and commercial activities are not permittedinside the luxury villas. For the family’s staying apartments guests are allowedonly between 10.a.m. and 8.p.m. That also with special written permission from themanagement.
13. Furniture / Vessels etc.:
The articles provided by the management such as furniture, fittings, vessels etc shouldbe returned intact and in good condition at the time of vacating the premises by theoccupant. Loss or damage to any article property will be compensated by the occupant.Articles of the luxury villas & suites shall not be taken out of the service apartment orrearrangement in said the apartment.
14. Government Rules and Regulations:
Nothing herein above shall constitute or be deemed to constitute any tenancy, subtenancyor any night of tenancy or any right or interest in the Service apartmentpremises or any part or portion thereof in favor of any guest or resident or visitor and theCompany shall always be deemed to be in full and absolute possession and control ofthe Service apartment premises. Guests are required to observe the Government Rulesand Regulations in force from time to time in respect of registrations, taxes alcoholicdrinks, firearms etc.
15. PETS:
Pets are not allowed in the Service apartment Premises16. Prohibited;Loudspeaker is prohibited; the speaker can be used within premises with low volume.No nails shall be driven in the walls. No posters, photos shall be posted at any placeinside or outside the Service apartment premises, defecting the walls by writing andpasting cello tape and any other coloring material in any manner and all kind ofdecorations are strictly prohibited, Alcohol strictly prohibited
17. Amendment of Terms & Conditions:
The Management reserves the right to add / delete or to alter or armed any of the aboveterms and conditions and rules at any time without notice.The above terms & conditions are read by me / us and well understood and I / We acceptthe above terms & condition